Friday, October 19, 2007

Hello? Is anyone out there? I know it's been more than a year, so why should anyone still be clicking on little old me. What a ride it's been since we've last touch based. And no I'm not referring to Jurassic Park, which I'm sure must have been quite boring to look at all this time. To quickly catch you up for anyone who might care, I am employed- a network assistant. Although, I care not to change the name of this blog, because I trip about what tomorrow brings on a daily basis, and i have a habit of tripping so it just seems fitting.

So something happened to me Tuesday, I never really imagined would happen. I was leaving a mixer for assistants with two other girls, when these firemen waved to us from across the street. So we go over, and they gave us a tour of the firehouse. Now, firehouses have always fascinated me. Everytime I drive by one, I wonder who's on shift, where the kitchen is? Strange, maybe. Kismet, yes. We sat in the firetruck and we were able to put on their headsets equipped with mics so we could hear what eachother were saying had the siren gone on. Then the extremely fit masculine fireman asked us if we wanted to slide down their pole. They asked us this in all seriousness , without any irony. How could we say no? They took us up three flights off stairs to a dark room, where firepeople slumbered. We were asked to be quiet so as not to disturb them, meanwhile, three giggling girls in heels (me in a short flouncy skirt) found ourselves facing a pole. A steely pole that had to be 18 ft hight in the middle of a 5ft wide circle. It was much higher then I ever thought. We were told to lean against the pole and the put one leg across it, and then the other. One girl went down, then another. It was just me and the burly fireman. He asked me in his deep voice with his hands stretched out, "Do you trust me?"

Sorry, did I hit my head and wake up in a romance novel? Well guess what Mr. Fireman, I just met you and NO I don't generally trust strangers, and what are you doing that will help me get down this pole?? My getting down the pole depends entirely on the strength of my own legs.

But, we only live once, and when else will I be kindly asked in the humble abode of these kind heroes. So he asked (as my knight in shining armor would) the other firemen below to turn their heads, so as not to see up my skirt. I leaned. One leg, then the other. And WHOOSH! I made it. Slid down, skirt up, but as I was told by my friends, I looked like Mary Poppins.

And really, what more could I hope for. And to top it off, we were then treated to homemade cookies in their kitchen.