'Breakin Up' is Hard to Do!
Kudos to the Carpenters to writing those moving lyrics, but bigger kudos to the crafty minds behind the more recent film of the similar name (The Break Up, for you slow folk). Crafty indeed the little bastards. As I have recently discovered, this charming and funny film(which I thoroughly enjoyed) has actually had various interpretations. And by various I really mean two. But in discussing this film with my peers I've come to think the ending was intended to be ambiguous, and that my degree in film was worthless if I can't even breakdown a romantic comedy between Jen Aniston and Vince Vaughn. I mean surely a BA in Film in Digital Media should teach you how to a least recognize an ambiguous ending.
I left the theater SURE of how the film ended, only to be shocked later to find out that people had left thinking it had ended in an entirely different way, which naturally left me second-guessing myself. Why has this film caused such a divide? I ask you, does it depend on the person? Who you're with? The mood you're in? Or plain and simple smart vs. not so smart? And I'm not claiming to be one or the other, because to this day, I'm not sure what the filmmakers were going for, but I'm just so curious as the fabulous divide that this film has created. And arguments can be made for either side. Alright, now I can only talk about this ending for so long without actually saying what it is..
SPOILER ALERT AHEAD...IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW THE ENDING, STOP READING. So the divide is those who believe that Jen and Vince are getting back together after they run into eachother on the street after their break up (my kind of people). Evidence includes crazy chemistry, making plans for coffee, Vince winking at her after they walk away. (I'm sorry, does that couple look like they're headin' to Splitsville?)
And on the other side of the ring are those who believe they are not getting back together and that the film was going for an independent kind of end in a Hollywood film. Ya know, where although they loved eachother, they're not meant to be with eachother, they've moved on and it's a coffee date they're never gonna do a la Carrie and Aiden 6th Season. So what I've decided what I must do is see not only see it again and really watch it more closely, but also take a poll of everyone leaving the theater. Thank you.
I left the theater SURE of how the film ended, only to be shocked later to find out that people had left thinking it had ended in an entirely different way, which naturally left me second-guessing myself. Why has this film caused such a divide? I ask you, does it depend on the person? Who you're with? The mood you're in? Or plain and simple smart vs. not so smart? And I'm not claiming to be one or the other, because to this day, I'm not sure what the filmmakers were going for, but I'm just so curious as the fabulous divide that this film has created. And arguments can be made for either side. Alright, now I can only talk about this ending for so long without actually saying what it is..
SPOILER ALERT AHEAD...IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW THE ENDING, STOP READING. So the divide is those who believe that Jen and Vince are getting back together after they run into eachother on the street after their break up (my kind of people). Evidence includes crazy chemistry, making plans for coffee, Vince winking at her after they walk away. (I'm sorry, does that couple look like they're headin' to Splitsville?)
And on the other side of the ring are those who believe they are not getting back together and that the film was going for an independent kind of end in a Hollywood film. Ya know, where although they loved eachother, they're not meant to be with eachother, they've moved on and it's a coffee date they're never gonna do a la Carrie and Aiden 6th Season. So what I've decided what I must do is see not only see it again and really watch it more closely, but also take a poll of everyone leaving the theater. Thank you.
Big thanks to Chloe for pointing out the spoiler at the end, as some of us do not want to know as there is no question we will see this amazing debut of the Vince and Jennifer team.
And Chloe...Iàm afraid this is jsut the first of many many many disappointments in which you find out that your BA in whatever does not actually prepare you for ANYTHING. even popular movies. Sad, I know. Continue to tell mom and dad tahtàs not true, but you will soon learn...
Chloe: What can HateToHelp get rid of for these two? We await your sumemrtime wisdom...
I got it! Lemons! Yess, there's a part in the movie, if you look up the preview online (if you have the time),where Jen asked Vince to buy her 12 lemons for a centerpiece, but he buys her only 3, and that sets into motion a whole fight. You could make lemonade and pass it around to people on the street, literally making lemonade out of life's lemons! Maybe too out there...
"The mood you're in? Or plain and simple smart vs. not so smart? And I'm not claiming to be one or the other..."
that's really funny
lemons reminds me of eggs. which reminds me of the conversation lara and i had two days ago about josie hating how they added that part to runaway bride.
so complex...so julia...
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